
For a glossary of all terms used within the GÉANT Project download the Glossary



3DES                     Three-pass Data Encryption Standard (168-bit key encryption)

A                                                                                                                                           [Index]

AA                         Attribute Authority

AA                         Authentication and Authorisation

AAA                      Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting

AAI                       Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure

AARC                    Authentication and Authorisation for Research and Collaboration

AAu                      Attribute Authority

ABFAB                  Application Bridging for Federated Access Beyond Web

AC                         Access Control

ACD                      Access Control Device

ACD                      Access Control Domain

ACIA                     Alliance Common Information Architecture

AEGIS                   AARC Engagement Group for Infrastructures

AIRT                     Application for Incident Response Teams

API                        Application Programming Interface

AR                         Attribute Requester

ARP                      Attribute Release Policy

AS                         Authentication and Authorisation Service

AS                         Authentication Server

ASP                       Authorisation Service Provider

AUP                      Acceptable Use Policy

AuthN                  Authentication

authN                  Number of authentications

AuthZ                   Authorisation

AuthZS                Authorisation Service

AWS                     Amazon Web Services

B                                                                                                                                           [Index]

BCP                       Best Common Practice

BMS                     Bio-Medical Sciences

C                                                                                                                                           [Index]

CA                         Candidate

CA                         Certificate Authority

CAMS                   Central Authentication Management System

CAT                       Configuration Assistant Tool (eduroam)

CEF                       Connecting Europe Facility

CEO                      Chief Executive Officer

CERT                     Computer Emergency Response Team

CHAP                    Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

CLAW                   The Crisis Management Workshop for the GÉANT Community (formerly Crisis Leadership in Action Workshop)

CMPA                  Contract Management Policy Authority

CoCo                    GÉANT data protection Code of Conduct

CRL                       Certificate Revocation List

CSIRT                   Computer Security Incident Response Team

CSP                       Cloud Service Provider

CT                         Certificate Transparency

CUI                       Chargeable User Identity

D                                                                                                                                          [Index]

DDoS                    Distributed Denial of Service

DEISA                   Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications

DI4R                     Digital Infrastructures for Research

Diameter             Protocol for providing an Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting (AAA) framework for applications such as network access or IP mobility

DOI                       Digital Object Identifier

DoS                       Denial of Service

E                                                                                                                                           [Index]

EAC                       eduGAIN Access Check

EAP                       Extensible Authentication Protocol

EAP-EKE              EAP-Encrypted Key Exchange

EAP-FAST            Extensible Authentication Protocol-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunnelling

EAP-GTC             Extensible Authentication Protocol with Generic Token Card payload

EAP-MD5            Extensible Authentication Protocol with Message Digest Nr. 5 payload

EAPoL                  Extensible Authentication Protocol over Local Area Network

EAP-OTP             Extensible Authentication Protocol with One-Time Password payload

EAP-PWD            EAP-Password

EAP-SIM              Extensible Authentication Protocol with Subscriber Identification Module payload

EAP-TLS               Extensible Authentication Protocol Transport Layer Security

EAP-TTLS            Extensible Authentication Protocol Tunnelled Transport Layer Security

EARC                    eduGAIN Attribute Release Check

EC                         European Commission, the executive body of the EU

ECCS                     eduGAIN Connectivity Check Service

EDI                        European Data Infrastructure

eduGAIN             AAI confederation interconnecting national and community-wide R&E identity federations

eduPERT             A federated PERT structure

eduroam             education roaming – International roaming service for users in R&E

eduroam-ng       eduroam-next generation

EEA                       European Economic Area

eID                        Electronic Identification

eIDAS                   Electronic Identification and Signature

eIDAS                   electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services

EOSC                    European Open Science Cloud

ER                         Entity Relationship

ERA                       European Research Area

ERIC                      European Research Infrastructure Consortium

ESA                       European Space Agency

ETSI                      European Telecommunications Standards Institute

EU                         European Union

EUDAT                 European Data Infrastructure

F                                                                                                                                           [Index]

F2F                        Face to Face

FaaS                     Federation as a Service

FAIR                      Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (data principles)

FAQ                      Frequently Asked Questions

FEIDE                    Federated Electronic Identity for Education

FEUDAL               Federated User Credential Deployment Portal

FIM4L                   Federated Identity Management for Libraries

FIM4R                  Federated Identity Management for Research

FP6                       6th EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development

FPA                       Framework Partnership Agreement

FQDN                   Fully Qualified Domain Name

G                                                                                                                                          [Index]

GA                        General Assembly (GÉANT’s highest governing body)

GAP                      Grant Agreement Preparation

Gb                         Gigabit

Gb/s                     Gigabits per second

Gbps                    Gigabits per second

GCC                      GÉANT Community Committee

GDPR                   General Data Protection Regulation

GÉANT                 The pan-European research and education network interconnecting Europe’s NRENs

GeGC                   Global eduroam Governance Committee

GIdP                     GÉANT Identity Provider

GMT                     Greenwich Mean Time

GN2                      GÉANT2

GN3                      The GN3 Project (do not expand to GÉANT3!)

GN3plus              The GN3plus Project (never GN3+)

GN4-1                  The GN4 Phase 1 (GN4-1) project

GN4-2                  The GN4 Phase 2 (GN4-2) project

GN4-3                  (GÉANT Network 4 Phase 3), a project part-funded by the EC’s Horizon 2020 programme under the Specific Grant Agreement No. 856726

GN4-3N               (GÉANT Network 4 Phase 3 Network), a project part-funded by the EC’s Horizon 2020 programme under the Specific Grant Agreement No. 856728

GOC                      GÉANT Operations Centre

GPL                       General Public Licence

GPPC                    GÉANT Programme Planning Committee

GRR                      GÉANT Risk Register

GSC                      GÉANT Software Catalogue

GUI                       Graphical User Interface

GWS                     GÉANT World Service

GXP                      Global R&E Exchange Point

H                                                                                                                                          [Index]

H2020                  Horizon 2020 (EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation)

HA                         High Availability

HiSEEN                 High-Speed ESA Earth Observation Network

HO                        Home Organisation

HTTP                    Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HTTPS                  Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

I                                                                                                                                            [Index]

I/f                         Interface

I/O                        Input/Output

IaaS                      Infrastructure as a Service

IAM                      Identity and Access Management

IdM                      Identity Management

IDM                      Inter-Domain Manager

IdP                        Identity Provider

ID-WSF                Identity Web Services Federation

IMS                       Identity Management System

IoT                        Internet of Things

IP                          Internet Protocol

IPR                        Intellectual Property Rights

IPsec                    IP Security

IRT                        Incident Response Team

IRTF                      Internet Research Task Force

IRU                       Indefeasible Rights of Use

IS                           Intermediate System

ISO                        International Organization for Standardization

ISP                        Internet Service Provider

IT                           Information Technology

ITIL                       (formerly) Information Technology Infrastructure Library

J                                                                                                                                            [Index]

K                                                                                                                                           [Index]

KB                         Knowledge Base

L                                                                                                                                           [Index]

L&D                      Learning and Development

LDAP                    Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

LFA                       Local Federation Adaptor

LFC                        Local Federation Connector. See LFA.

M                                                                                                                                         [Index]

MaaS                   Management as a Service

MD                       Multi-Domain

MD PCE               Multi-Domain Path Computation Element

MDQ                    Metadata Query

MDS                     Metadata Service

MDS                     Multi-Domain Security

MFA                     Multi-Factor Authentication

MIB                      Management Information Base

MIdP                    Managed IdP

MS-IAS                Microsoft Internet Authentication Service

N                                                                                                                                          [Index]

NDA                      Non-Disclosure Agreement

NGI                       Next Generation Internet

NPAPW                Network Performing Arts Production Workshop

NREN                   National Research and Education Network

NREN PC             NREN Policy Committee

NRO                      National Roaming Operator

O                                                                                                                                          [Index]

OA                        Open Access

OAM                    Operation, Administration and Maintenance

OCRE                    Open Clouds for Research Environments

OIDC                     OpenID Connect

OIDCre                 OpenID Connect for Research and Education Working Group

OJOU/OIDC        OAuth2/JW/OIDC/UMA  /  OpenID Connect

OpenAIRE           Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe

OpenSAML         Open Security Assertion Mark-up Language

OPS                      Operations

OSS                       Operations Support System

OT                         Operations Team

P                                                                                                                                           [Index]

P                            Period

p2p                       Peer to peer

PAP                      Password Authentication Protocol

PC                         Programme Committee

PKI                        Public Key Infrastructure

PLM                      Product Lifecycle Management

PoC                       Proof of Concept


Q                                                                                                                                          [Index]

Q                           Quarter

QoS                      Quality of Service

R                                                                                                                                           [Index]

R                            Report

R&D                      Research and Development

R&E                      Research and Education

R&S                      Research & Scholarship

RAF                       REFEDS Assurance Framework

RDA                      Research Data Alliance

REFEDS                Research and Education FEDerations

REN                      Research and Education Network

S                                                                                                                                           [Index]

SaaS                     Software as a Service

SAML                   Security Assertion Markup Language

SC                         Supervisory Committee

SC                         Steering Committee

SFA                       Single-Factor Authentication

Shibboleth          An Internet2 project to investigate technology to support inter-institutional Authentication and Authorisation for access to (mainly) web content.

SI                           Service Inventory

SID                        Information Framework

SID                        Shared Information Data Model

SIG                        Special interest Group

SIG-CISS              Special Interest Group – Cloudy Interoperable Software Stacks

SIG-ISM               Special Interest Group – Information Security Management

SIG-Marcomms Special Interest Group – Marketing Communications

SIG-MSP             Special Interest Group – Management of Service Portfolios

SIG-NGN             Special Interest Group – Next-Generation Networks

SIG-NOC              Special Interest Group – Network Operations Centres

SIG-PMV             Special Interest Group – Performance Monitoring and Verification

SIG-SCOPE          Special Interest Group – Sustainable, Community, Practice Exchange

SIG-TNE               Special Interest Group – Transnational Education

SIRTFI                   Security Incident Response Trust Framework for Federated Identity

SLA                       Service Level Agreement

SP                         Service Provider

SPOCP                 Simple POlicy Control Project

SSO                       Single sign-on

SSP                       Self-Service Portal

T                                                                                                                                           [Index]

T                            Task

T&I                       Trust and Identity

tbc                        to be confirmed

Tbps                     Terabytes per second

TCS                       Trusted Certificate Service

TERENA               Trans-European Research and Education Network Association

TF                          Task Force

TF-CSIRT              Task-Force – Computer Security Incident Response Teams

TF-DPR                 Task Force – Data Protection Regulation

TF-ECS                 Task Force – Enhanced Communication Services

TF-MSP                Task Force on Management of Service Portfolios

TF-RED                 Task Force – Research Engagement Development

TF-VSS                 Task Force - Videoconference Service Studies

TF-VVC                Task Force - Voice and Video Collaboration

TI                           Trusted Introducer

TIM                       Trust and Identity Incubator Mentorship

TIME                    Trust and Internet Identity Meeting Europe

TMF                      TM Forum

TNC                      The Networking Conference (TNC16, TNC17, TNC18, TNC19) – the largest and most prestigious European research and education networking conference

TNE                       Transnational Education

ToR                       Terms of Reference

TRL                       Technology Readiness Level

U                                                                                                                                          [Index]

UAS                      Universal Access and Service

UAT                      User Acceptance Testing

UI                          User Interface

UMA                    User Managed Access

URI                       Uniform Resource Identifier

URL                       Uniform Resource Locator

URN                      Uniform Resource Name

USM                     User Services Manager

uSSO                    unified Single Sign-On

UTC                      Universal Time Co-ordinated

V                                                                                                                                           [Index]

VAaaS                  Vulnerability Assessment as a Service

VO                        Virtual Organisation (eIRG)

VOMS                  Virtual Organisation Membership Service

VOPaaS               VO Platform as a Service

W                                                                                                                                         [Index]

W3C                     World Wide Web Consortium

WebSSO              Web Single Sign-On

WG                       Working Group

WISE                    Wise Information Security for Collaborating e-Infrastructures

X                                                                                                                                           [Index]

XML                      Extensible Markup Language

Y                                                                                                                                           [Index]

Y                            Year

YoY                       Year on Year

Z                                                                                                                                           [Index]



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